Embrace Science,
NOT Stigma.

Don't let food struggles define you.
Get your personalized plan from
the #1 Neuroscience-backed
recovery program.

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Binge eating isn't just about food.

It's about the emotions we're trying to feed.

Did you know that restrictive diets and calorie counting exacerbate binge eating?
Join R.care, the science-backed solution designed in collaboration with eating disorder experts from Harvard Medical School and more. Understand the real reasons behind binge eating and reclaim control over your relationship with food. Bring meaningful impact to your overall lifestyle.

Every binge eating is different so we provide,

Personalized Binge Eating Solutions

Start with a questionnaire to uncover your unique binge eating patterns. Based on the data from the quiz, RecoveryCare creates a personalized plan just for you, drawing from techniques like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). Daily tasks, lessons and activities will equip you with knowledge and practical skills to manage cravings, emotions, and foster a healthier relationship with food.

Changing your lifestyle takes time but,

We help you stay motivated

You might feel alone in your journey to fight binge eating because binge eating is often misunderstood or taken lightly. However, you don't have to face this battle alone. RecoveryCare supports you every step of the way. Understanding how challenging it can be to make meaningful lifestyle changes, we are committed to keeping you motivated as a 24/7 accessible companion.

Always on your finger tips,

Expert lessons and tailored activities

What if there are alternative activities that can distract you when you have the urge to binge eat? RecoveryCare gives a smart recommendation of activities based on your daily status and progress, whether it's controlling impulses, building self-confidence, or finding encouragement. RecoveryCare also offers a unique blend of in-depth lessons and reflections, crafted with experts in the field. These lessons empower you with the knowledge and tools to tackle binge eating at its core.

You're not alone.
We can overcome binge eating together.