
R.care is NOT another diet program or calorie-counting app. It is a comprehensive solution developed in collaboration with clinicians and psychologists to address the root causes of binge eating and provide lasting recovery.

We believe in behavioral intervention backed by evidence. We believe in the mobile app-based intervention enhanced by smart recommendations and engaging interactions. We believe that by combining scientifically backed approaches and digital technology, we can help people make meaningful progress in improving their quality of life.

No more waiting lists or hefty price tags to get closer to the life you deserve. Experience world-leading healthcare in your pocket today.

member of founding team
member of founding team

Sunny Kim

Founding team

member of the founding team
member of the founding team
member of the founding team
member of the founding team

Soy Hwang

Yon Soo Park

We are always excited to join forces with eating disorder experts who believe in helping more people overcome binge eating. If you're interested in getting to know more about R.care, please say hi without any hesitation.

Are you a binge eating expert?